Playmate Legend Anna Nicole Smith

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Anna Nicole Smith's rags to riches, rollercoaster life - and tragic untimely death - will probably forever see her go down in history as the most famed Playboy Playmate. From working in Walmart, she became a worldwide sensation overnight after becoming Playboy Playmate of the Year 1993. She was the most voluptuous playmate ever - the tallest, heaviest and with the biggest measurements - and she had a look that harked back to 1950's bombshells like Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield.

Anna Nicole dabbled with movies, but it was the chaotic script of her own life, televised for two seasons on E! network's The Anna Nicole Show that captivated the public most. Her battles with weight, the substance abuse, her tangled love life and seemingly endless court battles were a soap opera in themselves. At her curvacious best, she had a smouldering sexuality that will see her lusted after for generations to come.

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